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Matters needing attention of output mirror (window mirror) when using laser tube

The output mirror of the laser tube is very important in the work, and many friends have not paid attention to the maintenance of the lens.
Because it is exposed to the air, it will absorb dust and particles, which will lead to high-temperature burning of the lens surface, which will reduce the laser power, change the spot pattern, and even demould and fracture.
Every once in a while, we need to check whether it is clean, and adhere to the principle of not being dirty or wiping, and cleaning it when it is dirty. In the case of cold machine, we can use absolute alcohol or isopropanol to gently wipe it with a dust-free cotton swab, and then turn it on after the surface is volatilized.
If there is more putty in the cutting environment, you can ask the manufacturer for a dust cover to reduce pollution. It is worth noting that the damage of the output mirror cannot be guaranteed.