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How to solve the problem that the laser tube of the cutting machine suddenly does not emit light?

In the process of using the cutting machine, there is no laser suddenly, which results in no cutting. Dont worry. We first open the back cover of the machine and point the laser at the control panel. If there is light inside the tube, but no light outside the tube, this indicates that the laser tube is damaged. If there is light in the tube, but it is not strong, both sides are bright and the middle is dark, or even there is no light, check the ammeter, if it shows less than 5ma, then there is a problem with the power supply, and replace or repair it.
If the laser in the tube turns pale purple, the laser tube is damaged due to air leakage.
If the laser inside and outside the tube are normal, it is necessary to check the optical path and lens, especially the focusing lens, to check whether it is cracked.
If there is no light at all, first change the power supply, or there are several possibilities if there is no light: 1. The laser tube has completely leaked and damaged. 2. Pull out the signal terminal line of the laser power supply and press the red TEST button. If there is light, there is a problem with the motherboard or water protection signal. If there is still no light, there may be a problem with the potentiometer (the switch that regulates the power level). 3. Check whether the line is sparking and leakage. 4. Check whether the waterway is unobstructed.