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How to prevent the laser cutting machine cutting performance decline?

With the wide application of laser, CO2 glass laser tube as the most cost-effective laser products, used in cutting cloth, acrylic, rubber, wood and many other fields. If the cutting ability is found to decrease during use, then we need to pay attention to the following points: 1. Laser tube after a long time of use will be aging, power decline, at this time you can appropriately increase the current or replace the laser tube. 2. If the water temperature of cooling water is too high, the cutting efficiency will decrease. The water temperature should not be higher than 30 °C. 3. Some machines use a long time, pay attention to check whether the light path is accurate. Four. Check whether the lens is clean, if there is pollution to be cleaned or replaced in a timely manner, especially to pay attention to the laser output window lens clean. 5. The focusing point of the focusing lens should be at the most fine position. The loosening of the lens tube will cause the focal spot to be thick, and it needs to be adjusted in time. 6. Use the manufacturers recommendations of reasonable current, super-current use will cause the laser extremely unstable. Seven. Tianyi laser found that the thermal lens effect will lead to a reduction in cutting capacity, the need to replace the brand high-quality focus lens. 8. There is a certain probability that using industrial antifreeze will lead to unstable discharge of laser tube and need to replace purified water in time.