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Optical path principle of laser

A lot of friends need to modify the laser for the laser optical path structure is not very understanding, today we will simply understand the principle.
As shown in the figure, the laser tube is mounted on a horizontal platform through a bracket, reflected by a 1# mirror to 2#, 3#, and then concentrated by a focusing mirror, so that the laser cutting can be performed within a certain range.

If the laser head is fixed cutting, you can leave out 1-2# mirrors, direct laser beam into the 3 # mirrors. The red part is the path of the laser.

Points to note:
1. The table must be flat, not shaking, all mirrors need to be on a plane, to ensure that the laser in the center of the lens.
2. The laser tube must be equipped with a cold water device with adjustable water temperature to ensure the continuous operation of the laser.
3. The focal length of the focusing lens is generally 50.8mm or 63.5mm, that is to say, the distance between the lens and the cutting object is the focal length, and this distance is fixed.
4. The part below the laser head is the cutting table, which needs to choose the hollow honeycomb plate or iron bar. If the motor is added, it can also carry out automatic pipeline rolling cutting.
Select the right laser power supply, air pump, and then connect the switch, so that you can build a simple laser cutting platform. If you have any questions, please contact us, Tianyi laser has more than 20 years of production experience, escort for you.