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Does the laser mirror fixed too close affect the laser power?

The light path component of the laser consists of laser tube, reflector and focusing mirror. After adjusting the light path, it is found that the cutting speed is not fast, the spot projected in front of the reflector is not round, but the spot projected without the reflector is normal. Check that the supporting point of the laser tube is correct, and the current display is normal, and the master with many years of installation experience is stumped at this time. Theoretically speaking, the density of silicon is 2.33 g/cm3, and the density of molybdenum is 10.2 g/cm3. At this time, the customer is the silicon reflector used. When screwing the lens cover, he found that it was quite tight. When he was about to screw it off to change the lens, he suddenly thought of trying to loosen it, and found that the problem was solved. This kind of problem is that due to the low density of the silicon wafer, the lens is deformed after the cover plate is screwed too tightly, so that the light spot changes, resulting in opaque cutting.